Science Everywhere – June Workshop

Science Everywhere – June Workshop

This workshop will focus on ways to help children learn Lumina Box, Optical Illusions, Geothermal Energy and Black Holes. Through a series of hands-on activities and discussions, participants will explore the above topics.

We will also look at ways to encourage children to use scientific tools and attitudes to make connections as they explore the world around them.

The workshop will consist of periods of synchronous and asynchronous learning, providing participants with the opportunity to work on their individual practice while also engaging in meaningful discussions with other students.

By the end of the workshop, participants will deepen their understanding of concepts, building models and conducting science experiments.

Age: 8 to 12 years

Time: 3 pm to 4 pm(IST)

Date: 9, 16, 23 and 30 June 2021

To register: Click here

Material required:

9/6/2021 – Cereal box, some tissue paper, aluminium foil, masking tape, black paper

16/06/2021 – Old CD, Paper, sketch pen (black will be better), scissor, pencil, clay dough, or glue gun

23/06/2021 – small disposable bottle, straw, little big jar (to put the bottle inside), clay dough or even tight flour dough, any food color or watercolour, normal water, and hot water.

30/06/2021 – one paper cup or any mug, 12 to 15inch circle shape hard paper, cello tape or masking tape, scissor, marble

+ general stationary