Ramsar Sites

Wetlands are land areas that are flooded with water either seasonally or permanently. We know
many examples of wetlands like lakes, lagoons, ponds, rivers, and streams.

Due to water diversion through dams and canals, through development and constructions Wetlands
are disappearing. Wetlands are very important for biodiversity. It is a source of livelihood for many
people. Wetlands are also natural shock absorbers.

Considering the advantages of wetlands and threats to Wetlands, the treaty has been signed in Iran
for the conservation of Wetlands – the “Ramsar Convention”. It is so named for the city in Iran.

Ramsar Convention is an international agreement promoting conservation and wise use of wetlands.
It is the only global treaty to focus on a single ecosystem.

Till today there are 168 countries being members of Ramsar convection. Through this agreement the
member countries commit:

  • Wise use of all their wetlands
  • Designing Ramsar sites and their conservation
  • Cooperating their transboundary wetlands and shared their interest.

Ramsar convection and IOPs (International Organization Partners) working together to prevent
wetlands loss and degradation, encourages policies and use of lands, to make awareness, benefits,
and services that wetlands provide, to develop finance sources for wetlands.

There are currently over 2400 Ramsar sites around the world including 42 sites in India. They cover
over 2.5 million square kilometers of land. Wetlands on the Ramsar list are designated for their high
value to the country and the world for the ecosystem services and benefits provided.

-By Janhvi Jain