Learn coding with games, animation, stories and Scratch 3.0

Scratch coding 3.0 workshop for kids

Scratch is the best educational programming software for kids available today. With Scratch, you can create games and interactive art projects all while having lots of fun! This course uses the amazing Scratch program developed by MIT to teach coding.

We’ll learn by doing. The course is designed so that you create the games and applications with your own two hands. We learn a variety of computer science topics, but we hide the complexity behind characters, animations, analogies, and fun!

The content is designed to be fun! We learn to create animations and cool effects.  The games are handpicked to optimize learning computer science topics while having fun along the way. This course is for 10 weekdays from April 4, 2022, to April 15, 2022.

This course is designed for

kids and beginners who want to learn to code games

anyone new to programming who doesn’t know where to start

I can’t wait to have you in the course!

  1. Start Date: 4th April 2022
  2. End Date: 15th April 2022
  3. Fee: Rs.3500
  4. Age: 7+ years
  5. Time: 2 pm to 2:45 pm

To register click here